Crash Course in Board Essentials
PDFPractice Areas
Arts & Science Council Board Room
227 W. Trade St., Suite 250
Charlotte, NC 28202
As volunteer leaders, board members play a critical role in the success of nonprofit arts and cultural organizations and have significant legal and ethical responsibilities to their constituents, staff and communities. Strong, knowledgeable boards help organizations gain credibility, provide important access to the community and serve as effective advocates.
Dianne Chipps Bailey led participants in training on how to become productive, contributing board leaders at this session hosted by the Arts & Science Council. Topics included:
- Basics of North Carolina and federal nonprofit regulations and requirements
- Minimizing personal liability exposure in nonprofit board service
- Differentiation in board leadership and staff management responsibilities
- Holding the organization, board and staff leadership appropriately accountable
- Types of risks faced by a nonprofit that are not always glaringly apparent to the board
- How to develop strategies for broad, diverse, sustainable funding
- Being an effective community ambassador on behalf of the nonprofit organization
- Building strategic relationships for future funding and support
The course was open to existing board members only.