Practical Solutions for Problems Common to Health Care Joint Ventures
Practice Areas
John B. Garver, III and Matthew S. Churchill presented a webinar for members of the AHLA Business Law and Governance Practice Group on June 10, 2015. The presentation entitled "Practical Solutions for Problems Common to Health Care Joint Ventures," addressed the following:
When you structure, document, and close a health care joint venture, you will face not only the typical joint venture challenges, but also a second layer stemming from the health care setting. Regulatory scrutiny of such transactions, which is always present, is heightened when referral sources are involved. The interaction of physicians, hospitals, other providers, and entities that service the industry creates a unique mix of interests and issues. There are, however, common issues that arise in structuring the capitalization, distribution waterfall, governance, transfer restrictions, exit/buy-sell rights and restrictive covenants for health care joint ventures. Knowing what to expect and how to respond will make you a more effective counsel to your clients and a better contributor to the success of the overall deal.
The webinar was sponsored by the AHLA, Business Law and Governance Practice Group.