Amanda Nitto Shares Life Lessons, Challenges on Human Lawyer Podcast



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Oct. 27, 2021

Why does no one leave Robinson Bradshaw? How do you balance non-billable responsibilities with the pressure to complete your client work? What happens when you sign up for too much and need to offload your to-do list?

These are some of the questions Robinson Bradshaw litigator Amanda Pickens Nitto tries to answer on the latest episode of “The Human Lawyer” podcast. Nitto shared about her passions for her work, for cultivating a diverse workforce in Charlotte and at the firm, and for promoting early childhood education. In discussing the challenge of attorneys juggling billable client work with non-billable service, Nitto stressed the importance – and benefits – of finding a healthy balance without feeling guilt.

“Feeling like a whole person in other aspects of my life allows me to show up to work and do a better job,” Nitto said.

Nitto also talked about the power of vulnerability and authenticity.

“There’s an incredible connectedness when you share vulnerable moments with each other,” she said. “I think you become connected and feel closer to people when you share some of the pain or the joy you’ve experienced in your life.”

The podcast episode is available here.

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