Robert E. Harrington Receives Thurgood Marshall College Fund’s Award of Excellence
PDFRobert E. Harrington, an attorney with Robinson Bradshaw & Hinson, P.A., was honored at the 10th Annual Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) Awards of Excellence on Oct. 3 in Charlotte. The award recognizes Charlotte area leaders who have achieved excellence in their respective fields and exemplify Justice Thurgood Marshall’s passion for civil rights, justice and education.
Established in 1987, TMCF supports and represents nearly 300,000 students attending its 47 member-schools, which include public historically black colleges and universities, medical schools and law schools. The Awards of Excellence are designed to increase awareness of TMCF’s mission and vision and to raise funds for students at TMCF-supported colleges and universities.
Harrington practices in the area of commercial litigation focusing on the representation of financial institutions and on employment lawsuits. He recently completed a year of service as president of the Mecklenburg County Bar, during which he focused on locating a new site for the bar office, which is currently under construction, expanding the bar’s indigent legal services capacity and improving mentoring and networking opportunities for local attorneys. Harrington is also a member of the board of directors of Legal Aid of North Carolina.
In the community, Harrington is an active member of educational and cultural institutions. He is a member of the board of trustees of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and board of directors of the Arts & Science Council. He has served on the board of directors of the Greater Charlotte Cultural Trust, the Levine Museum of the New South and Seigle Avenue Partners (now known as Freedom School Partners.)
Harrington earned his bachelor’s degree from Duke University, where he graduated magna cum laude and was an Angier B. Duke Memorial Scholar. He attended Duke University School of Law, where he graduated with high honors. He is a fellow of the American Bar Foundation and a member of the American Law Institute.